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January 27, 2021

Why you should keep all messages and production within the Fabulate platform


We are fortunate that with the level of professionalism within the Fabulate community, many of the rules required on other platforms are not necessary. For example, we let both clients and creators use their full names, permit the publishing of external portfolios and allow uncensored conversations between parties.However, you may have encountered a user (either client or creator) who requests the job be taken off platform. While there may be some elements (such as video or phone calls) that are required to take place off platform, taking a job off platform opens you up to unnecessary risk and exposure.

Keeping the job on platform covers you with our indemnity and liability insurance

Each job completed (and kept) on the platform is covered by $5 million Professional Indemnity and $10 million Public and Products Liability Insurance cover. This peace of mind covers both client and creator and is included at no extra cost.

Our invoicing system makes it easier for you to get paid

We have commercial agreements in place with every client onboarded onto the platform which makes getting paid and chasing payments easier. A job is invoiced to a client as soon as they award to a creator and the payment system only authorises a job to be paid once it is marked as completed in the system.Following the milestone process allows each job to stay on track and gives you a natural next step to chase either client or creator. As a creator, never feel bad about asking a client to close out a job, as this is the final stage before you get paid.

The platform is your single source of truth

The Fabulate workroom acts as a repository of content, files, and communication. Everything within the workroom should be the most up-to-date version of content and will always display the most recent communication between clients and creators.Keeping all content and conversations on the platform serves as evidence during scope creep or disagreements between parties.

Customer support can mediate between parties

Without a clear understanding of what has been agreed upon, our customer service team cannot help resolve any issues that might arise during the completion of your job.Using details that have been meticulously recorded within the platform, our customer support team has successfully resolved scope creep and ensured the job is completed in line with the original brief.Keeping records reduces the risk and stress of your job blowing out.

I have a user requesting to work off platform, what should I do?

If you have a user requesting to communicate or work off platform, log this with our support team. Sometimes there is a perfectly innocent reason why a user is requesting to off platform certain elements (such as completing a talent interview). In instances where going off platform is unavoidable, our recommendation is to always follow up in the platform with notes of what has been agreed and next steps.It is always better to be safe than sorry.