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April 6, 2020

Meet The Creator - Gabrielle Martinovich


Gabrielle is an Australian-based writer with decades of experience working across a variety of companies and writing for magazines and custom publications. With a background in corporate affairs and communications she understands business, and the importance of building brands and reputation. What is it you enjoy about creating content?I love writing and telling stories. I like nothing better than crafting a compelling story which keeps the reader hooked. When a story emerges from the puzzle of research, interviews and words – it's powerful.What is your approach in bringing a client's story to life through brand journalism?I put myself in the reader's shoes and keep the customer focus. Delivering relevant content that informs and inspires is the aim. Writing convincing stories, finding fascinating facts and inviting personal experiences resonates with most audiences. Tell us about your journey to become a content creator.From when I first won sentence of the week at primary school, I've had the writing bug. Over the years I've tried my hand at writing everything from short stories to strategies. I'm fascinated by statistics as well as social and global trends. I have a strong ability to take very complex information and turn it into punchy content.Passionate about the value of communications and content, I have taught public communications at the University of Technology, Sydney. How do you determine the tone, voice and style is right for a particular piece of content?I familiarise myself with the company, the product and their communications to understand their customers and their brand. Tone, voice and style is honed for different audiences and matched to style guides.What's the most useful thing a marketer can provide in the brief that allows you to understand their brand?It's about working closely with clients to best understand their market segment. It's also about a succinct brief which provides clarity about their target audience and what they want to achieve with the content, for example, awareness versus sales conversion. What's the piece of content you are most proud of?I wanted to get published in Sunday Life as I'm an avid reader of the publication. So, I wrote a personal story about my blended family juxtaposed with a trip to Japan. It was a difficult story to write but one I thought was important to share as is a complex area. When it made it to print and in a special edition, I was doubly stoked.You can find Gabrielle and her creative portfolio on the Fabulate platform, by clicking and viewing her profile here.