September 29, 2020

Managing multiple user permissions in a content job with the Fabulate platform


When creating content, often you are not doing so in isolation and there are different stakeholders beyond the content commissioner and content creator. It is for this reason we have developed the ‘manage user' functionality, which will allow you to add any user account (within your organisation) to collaborate on a brief.How do I add another user to a content brief?

Once you have created a brief (including drafts) you can invite users to the content job. Clicking the ‘manage users' button (in the top right hand corner of the screen) loads an overlay that will display all users within your organisation that have Fabulate accounts. If you need a new user account for someone in your organisation, please contact your account manager or send an email to with the details.

You can refine the number of users by using the search bar, or by scrolling through the complete list. Once you have found the user you would like to invite, clicking on their name gives you three options:

  1. Making a user an ‘owner' of your briefThis appoints that user as the primary owner of the brief and removes your approval rights and ability to make changes. The new user will be able to edit, comment, approve, decline and view account details related to this brief.
  2. Giving a user ‘edit' rights to your briefThis allows a user to view, make comments and approve elements of this content job. The user will also be notified via notifications when something has been updated, when a creator has pitched on a job and when something is running behind schedule.
  3. Giving a user ‘read only' rights to your briefThis allows a user to view your brief, content job in the workroom. Users with ‘read only' rights are not allowed to comment, approve, delete or decline any action.

Once you have made your selection, click ‘update' and your selected user will receive an email notification that they now have access in line with their appointed status to this job.Can I change a user's permissions or remove a user from a content job?If you have accidentally added the wrong user, or no longer require that user to be involved with this content job, you can easily remove a user.

To remove a user's permissions:

  1. Click on the ‘manage user' button
  2. Select the user who you would like to disable permissions for
  3. Click the red cross that is next to their status
  4. Click update to confirm

Once complete a user will no longer be able to see or make actions on this job.To edit a user's permission status:

  1. Click on the ‘manage user' button
  2. Select the user who you would like to alter permissions for
  3. Click the drop down arrow next to their existing user role
  4. Select new user status
  5. Click update to confirm

N.B: If you make a user an ‘owner' you will be unable to remove their status permissions.For further assistance in using the ‘manage user' functionality, please contact support.
