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January 27, 2021

Man of Many: turning audience passion into action


Kicking off our partner spotlight series, we caught up with Scott Purcell, Co-Founder and Director at Man of Many, who shared the secrets of what makes their publishing destination special and how it manages to engage a targeted audience.  Every month hundreds of thousands of Australian men aged 18-45 turn to Man of Many for product, culture and style inspiration. Man of Many's focus allows them to create some genuinely spectacular content that not just informs but sparks a conversation. This editorial focus has established Man of Many as a trusted authority in their niche and by publishing your content with them, it transfers the audience's trust to your brand.

Q. Audiences not only love the content Man of Many creates, but they depend on it for their social currency. How do you consistently create content that stays true to your editorial vision?

A. As a brand, we try to always cater to our readers' evolving needs by creating content that not only entertains but also aligns with their values and enriches their lives. Nick, our editor, has put in a lot of work to ensure the tone of voice remains consistent across the site. There are clear, written guidelines for our writers and team, which helps us keep on track of our goals.  

Q. This obviously means that you can't be “all things, to all people”, so what type of brand categories should consider Man of Many as a platform for their branded content?

A. As a general men's lifestyle site, we're pretty broad in the topics we cover, but we definitely have some key verticals from an advertising perspective. The main advertising categories that best fit our audience are Technology, Alcohol, Fashion, Cars, Watches, Entertainment and Fitness.

Who do you target as your “sweet spot” (in branded content it is referred to as an audience persona) when developing your content?

Our target audience is primarily affluent, savvy and style-conscious metropolitan men searching for the coolest brands and products to best fit their lifestyle. When it comes to branded content, it always depends on the nature of the brand being promoted and we will always ensure it reaches the right people through smart digital targeting.

How much do you rely on art vs. science when creating your content? Is a large part of the content you create based on “gut feel” or grounded in data?

Initially, when we started the site, it was definitely on gut feel, but as we've grown and developed as a business, we've realised the value and importance of trusting the data. That's not to say it's taken away any creativity, but it does help guide us in choosing what topics to cover.

Q. Men 18-45 is a broad generalisation, how do you describe your audience (beyond their age and gender)?

A. I'd say our audience are strongly metropolitan and highly educated. They stay active, work hard, spend handsomely and know the difference between exquisite and ostentatious. While they're stylish and sophisticated guys, they shudder at the thought of being smug. While our content is fairly premium, we like to write in an approachable tone for the every-day Aussie male.  

Q. What is something that has surprised you about your readers?

A. We tend to find that Aussie men are pretty passive in their consumption of content and it's usually quite a personal experience, so it is always a pleasant surprise when we receive emails or letters explaining how we've helped them in some way.

Q. What is a misconception about Man of Many that advertisers make?

A. That we've built our business around Instagram. Our website has always been our main and largest platform where we can drive the most value for brands.  

Q. Why does branded content seem so natural in a publication like Man of Many?

A. Put simply, as our readers come to Man of Many for guidance on what to buy and to discover the latest and greatest products, it's an easy fit for us to write about new launches or product releases as it's of genuine interest to them.  

Q. In your view, what is it that makes branded content so effective? Why are audiences more likely to consume branded content vs. traditional advertising?

A. The short answer would be the level of engagement and awareness it brings. We often find our audience spending well over 3-5 minutes reading a piece of sponsored content which is a fantastic opportunity. Once they've reached the article, they're also just one click away from visiting a brand's site.

Q. Can you give an example of a campaign that has performed really well on your publishing destination?

A. Our Guide to Single Malt Whisky with The Glenlivet is one of our favourites because it was so in-depth. It had an average time on site of over 15 minutes read-time, meaning our readers were genuinely engaged and learning about the topic.

Q. What advice would you offer brands who are looking to establish their own content niche (via a content hub)?

A. Consistency. Choose a realistic publishing schedule and try to stick to it. Even if it's once a month, that's better than setting unrealistic expectations and dying out early.

Man of Many can be found as a publishing option in the Fabulate platform. For more information on Man of Many and how you can bring your brand to life, contact a Fabulate sales representative.
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