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October 22, 2019

How to create an award-winning pitch in the Fabulate platform.


We know that pitching for work takes time, which is why we are looking for ways to reduce how long it takes to respond to a client posted brief. The right pitch is equal parts detailed and ‘punchy'. This means your response needs to provide enough information to paint the picture in broad strokes for the client and yet be creative enough to demonstrate your capability (and credibility) as a writer. However, you are never required to create a full article before being commissioned for a job.What we believe makes Fabulate different is that we never ask you to compete and pitch on price. The client will decide who is the best fit for their brief.With the volume of briefs that have gone through the system, we now have enough data and client feedback to provide some tips on how to increase your chance of a successful pitch.

Tip 1: You can update your brief once you have submitted.

We appreciate that not every brief is perfect, but if at any time you feel you need more information, email our support team to report an incomplete brief. Alternatively, once you have pitched, you can use the IM features within the platform for further clarification with the client.You can alter your pitch at any time after you have submitted it. This can be done right up until the job is awarded.

Tip 2: Your pitch summary is crucial - think of it as an elevator pitch.

The first experience a client will have with your response is your pitch title and your outline. Like any good piece of intro content, it should very succinctly describe what to expect in the article. A short snappy headline (related to the job) and less than a 100-word synopsis, is all that is required.Your goal at this point should be to have them wanting to click through to read the full pitch. Mirroring a client's language is a great way to demonstrate that you have read and digested their brief.

Tip 3: Tell them how you will authentically bring their brand to life through the power of brand journalism.

Advertisers look to you, master storytellers, to make their brand stand out in a sea of other brands. Try not to get too clever with your integration idea, as the advertiser will still expect to see their brand featured somewhere within the content. In the briefing form, we ask whether this job is classified as 'brand journalism' or 'advertorial', but it is always worth confirming to make sure you are meeting their expectations.

How we are helping to make the pitch process easier.

The feedback you provide is invaluable in helping us grow the Fabulate platform. It needs to work for creators as much as it does for our clients. With that in mind, here are the ideas that we are implementing in the not too distant future that have come directly from you.

A preview of the new Fabulate creator dashboard, coming soon.New creator profilesLaunching this week, these profiles are much more visually appealing, capture more detail and can better feature your portfolio of work. We've also created the ability for you to take the link and share it externally - should you require an externally facing portfolio, or need to provide details for your pitch.Client feedback mechanismWe are working hard on a 'feedback mechanism'. When clients award a winner, we will ask why they have selected that particular creator. We will then pass this feedback on to the other creators that pitched for the work so they can understand why their pitch was not successful.See how many other creators have pitched for a jobThe ability to see how many creators have already submitted their pitch for a given job is another important new feature. While you won't be able to see who has pitched, you'll be able to see how many, so you can decide whether your efforts are better spent on other jobs.