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July 9, 2024

Fabulate’s list of fastest growing Aussie creators across TikTok, Instagram and YouTube uncovers June’s rising creator talent

James Chapman among Australia’s fastest growing Tiktokers Comedian He Huang sees strong Instagram growth following her recent MICF shows Supermarket chain Drake Supermarkets’ YouTube account surges through use of Shorts


Leading Australian influencer marketing platform Fabulate has again lifted the lid for marketers on the fastest growing Australian creators and brand accounts in Australia for June with the insights showing a diverse range of up and coming creators. 

This is the second time Fabulate, who was named Australia’s Best Influencer Marketing Technology at the industry’s AiMCO Awards in March, has used monthly data from its Fabulate Discovery Platform to help marketers and agencies uncover the best up and coming Australian creators on TikTok, Instagram and Youtube. 

Lucy Ronald, Fabulate’s Head of Strategy and Talent called out some of the more notable creators in June’s list include James Chapman who is a skateboarder, surfer and advocate for short stature people. 

“When you look at a TikToker like James Chapman, who had videos that last month generated videos with up to 55m views, you see why he is connecting with audiences,” said Ronald. “It’s not just that James does light hearted dance routines but it’s his use of the platform to give a fun, sometimes comical, and always authentic snapshot of his life that is engaging the audience. Similarly comedian He Huang’s Instagram videos are also a lesson for creators in how to build a large audience, with some of her videos from the Melbourne Comedy Festival garnering 12M plus views thanks to her hilarious stand up gigs. 

“This month we also loved the growth of the Drake Supermarkets YouTube account. While still relatively small on subscriber numbers, compared to its bigger competitors it’s really providing a lesson for brands in how to use YouTube shorts to grow and connect particularly with younger audiences - when some of its content is getting 10m views.

“It’s such a varied collection of creators coming through the Fabulate lists each month. What they all have in common is their ability to connect with Australians and also overseas audiences in a really compelling way and one which speaks to the media and creator economy in 2024.”  

Ronald added that through the data new insights on which Australian creators were connecting with audiences were being uncovered. 

“Each time we look at each month’s data we’re always impressed with the breadth and diversity of the Australian creator ecosystem,” added Ronald. “From Queensland nurse Rob using TikTok to better inform people in first aid treatment to YouTube dad Luke teaching DIY reno or foodie Ezzat exploring Melbourne’s best eateries on Insta, and everything in between Fabulate’s Discovery data is allowing marketers unlock access to some incredible creators who are each building strong communities behind them. Each in a very different way.”

Below are the five fastest growing creators in each category for more information on each creator go to

Fabulate’s List of the Fastest Growing Australian Creators - June

About Fabulate

Fabulate was founded in order to transform the way brands and their agencies do content marketing. Our unique purpose-built technology connects the best social creators and journalists, streamlining production through intuitive workflow management tools and enables seamless distribution across leading publishers and native ad tech solutions.