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January 19, 2021

Creator 101: How to put your best foot forward with every pitch


Are you a new creator who is looking for tips on how to pitch for their first job? Maybe you are a seasoned Fabulate creator who is looking for hints on how to hone your pitch.Following a pitch process not only saves you time but gives you the greatest chance of a conversion. Using these tips one of our creators earned $32k through the Fabulate platform in 2020. Cracking the code can be quite lucrative.Most briefs on Fabulate require creators to pitch an idea while providing proof of their experience (usually in the form of past examples of work). You are never required to provide a sample or commence work on the job prior to being commissioned.

Firstly, some housekeeping. Why do I need to pitch?

Pitching is an essential part of business. It is what differentiates you from your competition. Unfortunately, pitching gets a bad reputation as decisions are usually made on price rather than quality.Fabulate was created to compete on the quality of ideas, not on price. This is an important distinction from other content marketplaces. Every job that is posted on the Fabulate platform has a fixed price and the way that clients are trained to select their winning response is based on an idea and their belief that the creator has the relevant experience for their job. This avoids a race to the bottom on price and gives the client the best chance of selecting an idea that will drive results for their business.The counterpoint to this, from a client's point of view, is that if they are paying quality prices, they like to feel comfortable that what they are signing off is in line with the price that they are paying. Working with creators they like to see the following:

  1. A portfolio of past work
  2. A creative concept (usually in the form of a headline or brief synopsis)
  3. Confidence in your credibility as a writer

From platform analytics, we can see that clients spend between two and three minutes reviewing each pitch while creating their shortlist of creators.You only get one chance to make a first impression, which is why having a pitching formula is key.Whether you are an old hand at pitching, or you've just started out, you'll always want to stand out. To help with this we've put together a few pointers to help you create a gold standard pitch response and increase your chances of having your idea awarded by a client.

Keep your Fabulate profile updated

Having an up to date profile, which includes a photo, biography and links to some of your favourite work. Client engagement is significantly higher (3x) to portfolios that have a picture uploaded and saved.Don't forget to select the genres and skills that you specialise in, this is how briefs will find their way to your inbox and allows clients to sort creators to find those that are perfect for their private briefs. You can also include your previous publication history. This is a common question by clients and are often looking for creators who have been published on specific titles.

Personalise your cover letter to highlight relevant experience

No one likes getting a cookie-cutter response - be it email, message on Linkedin, or a sales proposal. While there are elements of your cover letter we encourage you to templatise, there should be parts that are tailored to your audience and the opportunity in front of you.Here are some of the most popular ways to tailor your response to brief:

  • List your previous category experience in either past clients or publications you have worked for.
  • Include a previous example that you have worked on that is close to their brief.
  • Include results that demonstrate the effectiveness of your content.
  • Provide a customer testimonial

Introduce yourself

Don't be afraid to send an introduction message to a potential client via the chat app. People buy from people they like, and from people they know. You can use this as an opportunity to set yourself apart from your competitors and a way to build rapport with a client.If you have a question about the brief or would like more information, don't hesitate to ask the client directly. If you don't ask, you don't get.

Keep your idea short and to the point

You've probably heard it before, but simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Keeping your idea concise will make it easier to read, and easier for the client to convey internally if they are not the key decision-maker. The last thing you want to do is bury your amazing idea amongst a whole lot of unnecessary content. The most successful pitches are those that can introduce the idea and show how it can be developed in a paragraph. Using bullet points can save you even more time. Remember your pitch is an appetizer, not the main course.The average time spent pitching on an average-sized job is about 15 minutes.

Examples of great creator pitches

Looking for some inspiration to get you started? Here are some examples that take this feedback into account and apply it to their pitches.Every pitch is different and everyone has a slightly different method of pitching. Use this as a guide to help refine your pitches for the Fabulate platform. If in doubt, reach out via for more information and we can help you further.For more advice on how best to utilide the Fabulate platform, please check out the links below.